Modbus Protocol Tester

Modbus Protocol Tester features, usage and benefits are summarized below.
Enabling Feature
Advantage / Benefit
Test complex configurations
Several instances of Modbus Protocol Tester can run simultaneously
Fast test cycles. One-pass comprehensive test of complete environment
Modbus Test Automation
Modbus test automation allows user to send group of Modbus commands to the slave and logs the data into a text file
MB_Automation routines provide both read and write access to one or more modbus slave devices through the script generated using XML file
Isolation and diagnosis of network problems
Ability to profile and manage individual devices
Fast regression testing.
Long duration testing
Reconnects automatically after communication interrupt
No need to repeat tests due to communication interrupt
Metrics capture for understanding communication delays
Timestamp traffic and display data at individual packet level
Debug unstable environments
Functional compatibility testing
Supports Modbus function codes: 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 15, 16, 17, 23
Assure Industry standard compliance
Test field installations
Small size software: Less than 2.5 MB fits on pen drive
Carry software, not computer

Quick check connections and communications
Real time display of communications statistics
Immediate visibility to communications
View data in format of choice
Data Interpretation Layer offering format choices
Data uniformity
Diagnose communication problems. Verify test execution. Compile test reports.
Event Logger. Time stamps and captures events throughout test cycle
Event log provides exact behaviour of communications network: faster problem isolation and fix.
Stress testing
Rapidly transmits and receives Modus messages
Increase product robustness.

Typical tester usage

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